Feeling Climate Change

Some more images of climate change and art – this time not from COP21 but from an event taking place in Miami called Art Basel.  I did see a tweet from Ed Burtynsky who i already did a blog about who is also down in Art Basel.

I became aware of this latest entry in the climate change art encyclopaedia (if I can call it that) from one of the many followers (ha!) of this blog (Thanks Martin).

Here is a great article from the NY Times about one of the exhibits and I love this quote “feel climate change in their guts, rather than just understand it.”

Fitting as well since Miami and Florida are one of the coast lines most at risk to rising sea levels from climate change.  I remember going to a conference on emissions trading in air pollution and staying at a new Trump hotel which had just been built in Florida about 100 m from the beach in the early 2000’s and thinking, has no-one here heard about climate change.  Maybe all the capitalists think that they will be bailed out by government money when the sea rises or maybe they only need the hotel and tourism sector to last for 20 years to make their money back.

Here is a set of images from Lars Jan and his website.

Holoscenes, a performance and installation piece by artist Lars Jan, at Miami Dade College, in Miami.

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A couple engaged in a duet as an aquarium fills and empties unpredictably, over and over, to symbolize the uncontrollable nature of climate change.